Reflections By Sarah Trites

Today we welcome Sarah Trites back to the blog as she shares a poem she has written. Thank you Sarah for sharing such beautiful words with us! Reflections By Sarah Trites Here I am on this beautiful county road, reflecting over my long journey. The road behind me was...

Memories: Guest Post from Jon McGovern

Hi, my Name is Jon I’m going on vacation to Groton Connecticut to where I used to live. This will bring up old childhood memories. My Dad was in the U.S. Navy, and we lived in Connecticut from 1989-1992. I loved going to the Mystic Aquarium and loved checking out...

When Your Goal Takes a Detour; Guest Post

Today’s Guest Post is from Laurie Coldwell, Program Coordinator and Administrator. When your goal takes a detour. This week I am on vacation. I had great plans for this week. As many of you knew I had a goal. A goal a year in the making. Every time we talked...

Career Exploration Workshop Series Continued

Stacy Smart, a member of the Springvale chapter of Speaking Up For Us, and also a member of the Maine Developmental Disabilities Council Board of Directors also participated in the Career Exploration Workshop. Today she shares with us her thoughts on this Workshop...
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