Career Exploration Workshop Series Continued

When I was in my Senior year of high school, I took a Job Exploration training. Everyone had to take it & it was new to me at the time. I was trying to understand it all at the time because it was new to me. It helped me on my job working at the Hotel in Virginia...

Career Exploration Workshop Series Continued

Georgia West is a member of our Caribou chapter.   She is a member of the chapter rep committee and recently participated in the Career Exploration Workshop Series.     I had worked on a resume years ago, in this series I learned what I needed to put on a...

Career Exploration Workshop Series Continued

Regina Bowie from Presque Isle joins us today on the blog as she shares her experience from participating in the Career Exploration Workshop Series. In celebration of my 48th birthday yesterday I thought to share my thoughts on the Voc rehab program.  I am thankful...

Career Exploration Workshop

Some of our Self-Advocates recently participated in a Career Exploration Workshop series by Voc Rehab.  The purpose of this was for them to some training, and to provide feedback to Voc Rehab on the material.   We have asked our self-advocates to share their...

Poem from Sarah Trites

In this world of many colors, Take a look and you will see What beauty there is all around us A shining sea of diversity. In this world of many colors, We look through our prisms, What do we see? A world that struggles against hatred, A world that fights to be free....
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