Hi, my Name is Jon
I’m going on vacation to Groton Connecticut to where I used to live. This will bring up old childhood memories. My Dad was in the U.S. Navy, and we lived in Connecticut from 1989-1992. I loved going to the Mystic Aquarium and loved checking out Groton CT and seeing Fort Griswold. In New London CT we would go to Michael’s Dairy, where we get ice cream. They made special flavors, and some of my favorites were pumpkin ice cream or root beer ice cream.

Mystic Seaport was a lot of fun. We went to Rhode Island once in a while because we were so close. I did a lot with my older brother when he was still living at home. He graduated from high school in 1990 and joined the U.S. Army. We would go to the Crystal Mall and hang out from time to time.
I miss Groton CT and my friends there. We walked to Charles Barnum School and went to the Dolphin Mart. It was in the Navy housing area, and the Dolphin Mart belonged to the U.S. Navy. If you bought something at the Dolphin Mart, you need a Military ID to checkout. Getting to see where my dad worked was cool. And I got see his office a few times. When we first moved to Connecticut, I didn’t think I would like Connecticut but after a month I started to love Connecticut. We would visit Maine on some weekends because it was 5 hours from Groton CT to Bangor Maine.


If you are self advocate and would like to share a blog post with us please email Laurie Coldwell at lcoldwell@sufumaine.org   


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