Hi this Jon
I’m here to talk to you about meeting in Person for the first time for the SUFU Staff since Covid started. Instead of being over Zoom we got together in Waterville. It was fun to meet Stacy Giberson in person for the first time and having that All-Staff Meeting.
It was very interesting. We went over the Calendar Schedule the summer and we are going to try some new things out and see if they will work.
I liked the Topics we talked about they got us thinking a lot. We did an ice breaker about how we got are names. We talked about different ideas for the workshops for the SUFU Regional Conferences. We discussed how we can meet in person some over the summer and how our schedules will get busier than ever!
When we meet in person our juices get flowing and we work harder than ever. We also were able to get our new business cards. We also planned ways to communicate better with SUFU members and allies.
I think the All-Staff Meeting went very well and I think we can get things done.
I like getting together with the other staff members. The conversation was great.