Disability Pride Day

Disability Pride Day

Hi this Jon On July 1st, 2019, Kile, Stephanie, Mike Labreque and myself went to Disability Pride Day in Augusta.  That was also the day that Supported Decision Making went into effect in the state of Maine.   Speaking Up For Us had a table at...

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Guest Post: Kile Pelletier – Voice

The power of the Voice is stronger than you. Voice can change the world with all types of things that can happen. As a person living with a disability, I must use the Voice to get what I want and to make happen, the things I want to change.  Your, Voice can be used to...

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Spring – Guest Post from Jon McGovern

Spring. It's nice and warm. It brings JOY to people's faces. They get to wear their spring clothes like shorts and sandals. They don't have to wear long denim jeans or long sleeve shirts. They think about being on the beach and having a tan. Hanging out with your...

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