Avery’s Blog for 9/15/15: The 2015 SUFU Conference…

Hi Everybody, So, this was my first SUFU Conference.  I wasn’t sure what to expect.  Being the relatively new kid on the block, I was kind of nervous.   For me, it was great to see people that I hadn’t seen in a long time, like Carmie, Judy, Lenny, and Sherry, among...

10 Things about Avery You Didn’t Know… :)

10 Things about Avery You Didn’t Know… 🙂 When I was in the 3rd grade, I wrote a 1 page book called, “The Mystery on 12th Avenue”. When I was in the 5th grade, I wanted to be a police officer. When I was in high school, my brother put so much hair gel in my hair,...
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