Avery’s Blog for 8/12/15…

Hi Everybody, I have some questions for you that I hope you will talk about on the blog & let everybody know what you think: If you have a job, where you get paid money, do you like your job? If you said Yes, what do you like most about your job?  If you said...

Avery’s Blog for 8/4/15…

Hi Everybody, I wanted to let you know about something that the Maine Legislature will be considering next session (most likely in 2016): The ABLE Act. The ABLE Act would allow people with disabilities like you & me, to save some money in a new type of bank...

Avery’s Blog for 7/28/15…

Hi Everybody, DHHS (Department of Health and Human Services) in Maine is holding a bunch of talks around the state to find out from people like you and me who live with a disability(and those who care about us), what we need from our service providers to really enjoy...

Avery Olmstead

Hi 🙂  My name is Avery Olmstead & I am the new Legislative Associate for SUFU. That basically means that my job is to find out what issues are really important to you as SUFU members and to make sure that what you let me know is heard by people who can help us...
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