SABE had its Fall Board Meeting In South Portland Maine on Oct 13th.  SUFU was invited to present to the full board and to provide updates on what SUFU is doing in the state of Maine.   In Attendance were Monique Stairs, Laurie Coldwell, Stacy Giberson, Jon McGovern, Rose Belanger board chair, and Marco Orlando board vice-chair.

After Jon and Laurie were able to ask Eric some questions about SABE.  In addition to being a SABE Board Member representing Region 8, Eric is also the secretary of the Board, and represents them at the Institute for Community Integration at the University of Minnesota.

What does SABE stand for?   SABE stands for Self-Advocates Becoming Empowered.

How many members are on the SABE Board?  18 Board Members.

What are the projects that SABE is working on?   One of the projects that SABE continues to work on is the SARTAC fellowship program.   SARTAC is also working on the marriage penalty by having people get ready to go to the hill in the spring at the Disability Policy Seminar.  This gives individuals an opportunity to speak with their legislators about how this impacts them.

How does someone become a member of SABE and what are the benefits?
You can become a member of SABE on our website at
Some of the benefits include voting on officers at elections, receiving the newsletter and potentially being a SABE board member in the future.

What are the plans for the next SABE Conference?   The plan is to hold a regional conference in 2024 and a National Conference in 2025.  Details will be coming soon.

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