The power of the Voice is stronger than you.
Voice can change the world with all types of things that can happen.
As a person living with a disability, I must use the Voice to get what I want and to make happen, the things I want to change.
Your, Voice can be used to sing and that makes you feel good.
A Voice will help break through a wall that you cannot get through.
The Voice can go to God from a prayer.
A Voice can bring a group of people together to discuss what we believe.
Being self -advocates we can talk about one thing with the Voice.
Using a Voice is getting to sit at the table to help.
We use our Voice to tell our story that we live, and what we feel.
We can use our Voice when people think they can push us around or talk for us.
We Speak Up and use our own Voice so they don’t think our voice is their Voice.
Our story.
Our life.
Be effective and live that now and use the power of the Voice.