Hello Self Advocates,

As many of you are aware, our country is going through a very difficult time with the pandemic of the COVID-19 virus. Here in Maine, our Governor has issued a stay at home order. Our health care systems are becoming overwhelmed as more people get sick. One of the biggest issues that is happening in other countries is that doctor’s are having to make very difficult decisions about who they treat based on quality of life.

Jon McGovern, SUFU Program Associate said, “I don’t like it when people with disabilities do not get the care at the hospital during COVID-19, and they get left behind.”

Maine has not yet issued any ventilator use guidelines, but self-advocates who met on the phone on Tuesday this week decided to take-action. We gathered their statements and wrote a letter to Governor Mills. We are posting the letter here for you to read and be informed. As this pandemic continues, SUFU self-advocates will continue to advocate for all people with disabilities.

If you would like to join us, we are holding two calls each week, and continuing regular local chapter meetings. All of this information can be found here: https://www.sufumaine.org/stuff-for-us/.

Thank you,
Monique Stairs, Interim Executive Director


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